Dr. John Lott testified before the Tennessee Senate Judiciary Committee in favor of the Student Concealed Carry on College Campus Bill on March 7, 2023. Tennessee is a partial Campus Carry state where professors and staff...
campus carry
West Virginia is about to pass a Campus Carry, concealed carry of firearms on college campuses
A campus carry bill has passed the West Virginia legislature and is about to be signed by Gov. Jim Justice. The text of the bill is available here. . “When this bill comes to me, it won’t be with me but for a matter of seconds, because I’ll sign it,” Gov. Jim Justice...
What is the danger to allowing Concealed handguns on University property?: Shootings by permit holders from 2012 to May 2021
Remember that 12 states mandate that public universities allow permitted concealed handguns on public college campuses (the NCSL excludes Tennessee from their list because professors and staff and not students (except for graduate teaching assistants) are...
New piece at Townhall: Given Their Fear of Guns, How Have Professors Ever Gone Off Campus?
Dr. John Lott has a new piece at Townhall. For decades, gun control advocates constantly claim that Right-to-Carry laws would lead to disaster. But when disasters don’t occur they move on to the next prediction of disaster. We have to keep track of these predictions...
Tennessee House makes moves to Constitutional Carry and allow students to carry on college campuses
The state House has previously been the hardest part of passing these bills so this is big news in Tennessee. The vote in the House occurred on Wednesday, May 27, 2020. Prior to this the National Conference of State Legislatures had stated that by 2019 there were...
House Judiciary holds hearing on Gun Violence in America: Uses CPRC research on how Universal Background Checks and other gun control stops law-abiding from getting guns for self-defense
Congressman Louie Gohmert's questions and comments regarding gun-control Congressman Louie Gohmert gives a statement about universal background checks and fees associated with those checks impacting low-income Americans from being able to protect themselves....
In the Kansas City Star: “Look at facts in the campus firearm debate”
Dr. John Lott has an op-ed in the Kansas City Star on the debate of permitted concealed handguns on college campuses. The piece starts this way: As college classes start up in Kansas this fall, it’s a good time to take stock of the rise in the number of schools where...
Fears of permitted concealed handguns prove unfounded: A very quiet first year at public universities in Texas
UPDATE (August 2, 2018): The original post was after the first year of Texas' public universities being forced to allow people to carry permitted concealed handguns. At this point it has now been two years and there has been one year of experience for the Texas...
In The Hill newspaper: “Guns on campus is progressive academia’s straw man”
Dr. John Lott has another new piece in The Hill newspaper on academics concerns about guns on college campuses. The piece starts this way: Gun control advocates frequently advise against people using guns for self-defense. But Michael Bloomberg and various anti-gun...
After Ohio law passed last December, University becomes first school in state to allow permitted concealed handguns on campus
Cedarville University (3,760 students) has become the first university in Ohio to allow employees with concealed handguns permits to carry their handgun on campus. The university is located in Dayton, Ohio. From the Dayton Daily News: The policy allows full-time...
UPDATED: Georgia becomes the 12th Campus Carry State
On Thursday, May 4th, Georgia became the 12th state that mandates that public universities allow people to carry guns on campus. Following Arkansas, Georgia is also the second state to pass campus carry this year. The other eleven states are: Arkansas, Colorado,...
Arkansas mandates that Public Universities. some bars, and government buildings allow permitted concealed handguns
Arkansas has become at least the 11th state that mandates that permitted guns can be carried on campus (Michigan requires that they be carried openly) and the 19th state that to allow them in state Capitols. For campus carry, the National Conference of State...