Nikki Goeser, host Jenny Bushkell & TN Representative Michele Carringer (Friday, Jan. 26, 2024) "Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow's cause." Is 1:17. Jenny is back with friends Author, Nikki...
CPRC’s Nikki Goeser testifies in support of Tennessee’s Lifetime Order of Protection Expansion Bill The Crime Prevention Research Center's Nikki Goeser testifies in support of SB1699 Tennessee's Lifetime Order of Protection Expansion Bill (her testimony starts at 3:40 into this video). This bill expands the eligibility for filing a...
Tennessee Expanding Lifetime Order of Protection Bill In 2021, an idea that Nikki Goeser had became law in Tennessee. Before that law, an order of protection only lasted for one year. Each year, the person who wanted to be protected had to go back to court with some new...
Tennessee State House Passes “Nikki’s Bill” — creates a lifetime order of protection
Nikki Goeser, the CPRC's Executive Director, was present for final passage of a bill that she inspired to create a lifetime order of protection. The order can be issued to a victim of certain felony offenses to prohibit the offender from coming about or communicating...