gun registration

Despite a Late Surge in Registrations, Few Gun Owners in Illinois have Registered their Assault Weapons or Accessories, such as “large” capacity magazines

Despite a Late Surge in Registrations, Few Gun Owners in Illinois have Registered their Assault Weapons or Accessories, such as “large” capacity magazines

The Illinois State Police won’t pursue charges against Illinois residents who didn’t register their weapons that fall under the new law by the January 1st deadline. The ISP says the FOID Portal will remain open and people can submit endorsement affidavits at any time....

With 2,415,481 FOID cards in Illinois, Only 15,877 have so far registered their firearms and 8,335 have registered their accessories, such as “large” capacity magazines

With 2,415,481 FOID cards in Illinois, Only 15,877 have so far registered their firearms and 8,335 have registered their accessories, such as “large” capacity magazines

Illinois has its new registration rules for grandfathered “assault weapons” (e.g., semi-automatic rifles) and large capacity magazines. Not everyone who has a FOID card may own a gun, though a large majority of those owning guns likely own standard magazines, which...

Federal law explicitly prohibits the creation of a federal firearm registry, but the Biden Administration has put together a national registry with almost One Billion transactions

Federal law explicitly prohibits the creation of a federal firearm registry, but the Biden Administration has put together a national registry with almost One Billion transactions

In total, ATF manages 920,664,765 OBR (Out of Business Records) as of November 2021. This includes digital and an estimated number of hard copy records that are awaiting image conversion. It is currentlyestimated that 865,787,086 of those records are in digitalized...

