
On Fact Vs. Fiction Panel at G.O.A.L.S. 2024 in Knoxville, TN

On Fact Vs. Fiction Panel at G.O.A.L.S. 2024 in Knoxville, TN Dr. John Lott was on the Fact Vs Fiction Panel at the Gun Owners Advocacy and Leadership Summit (G.O.A.L.S.) in Knoxville, TN with William Kirk, Shermichael Singleton, Anthony Miranda, Jared Yanis, and Braden Langley. (Saturday, August 17,...

Talk in Santiago, Chile on More Guns, Less Crime

Talk in Santiago, Chile on More Guns, Less Crime Dr. John Lott gave a talk in Santiago, Chile on "Murder Rates and Private Gun Ownership", organized by ANTRA, FECHITIDE, and AGAPECH. The murder rate in Chile has been increasing as the drug cartels have been making a move here. The...

Talk in Brazil on July 5th

Talk in Brazil on July 5th

Dr. John Lott will speak on Friday, July 5th at the 4th edition of SHOT FAIR BRASIL. Location: SHOT FAIR BRASIL Arena Day: July 5th (Friday) Time: 7pm until 8:30pm Guests: Lott, Bene Barbosa and Fabrício Rebelo Location: Anhembi District – EXPO 5 - São Paulo/SP...

Conference talk on the Collapse of Law Enforcement in the US

Conference talk on the Collapse of Law Enforcement in the US Dr. John Lott gave a talk at a Berkeley Springs 2024 Conference on the collapse of law enforcement in the US. Dr. Lott disagreed with what he was told were the concerns of others at the conference regarding legal immigration and also...

