gun free zones

Jacksonville Murderer Originally Targeted a Black College, a gun-free zone where civilians were banned from having guns, but Because of Armed Security Instead Attacked a Dollar General Store

Jacksonville Murderer Originally Targeted a Black College, a gun-free zone where civilians were banned from having guns, but Because of Armed Security Instead Attacked a Dollar General Store

The murderer's original target was a local historically Black college, Edward Waters University. After students alerted a security guard to the stranger on campus, the attacker was chased from the school. We have put together a long list of mass murderers who have...

Billings, Montana man doesn’t realize the sidewalk in front of his home isn’t classified as his property. Stepping on the sidewalk violated the 1,000-foot gun-free zone rule around schools.

Billings, Montana man doesn’t realize the sidewalk in front of his home isn’t classified as his property. Stepping on the sidewalk violated the 1,000-foot gun-free zone rule around schools.

People can have guns on their property within 1,000 feet of a school, but Gabriel Metcalf stepped onto the sidewalk in front of his school and got arrested. He didn’t realize the sidewalk was not classified as part of his property. The man is being held in jail.

