Most of the Video is in Spanish Dr. John Lott testified before the Ecuadorian Congress’ Committee on Sovereignty, Integration, and Comprehensive Security regarding legislation to make it easier for people to carry concealed...
Testimony before the Vermont State Senate on banning “Ghost Guns” (Senate Bill 209) Dr. John Lott testified before the Vermont State Senate on banning "Ghost Guns" on January 31, 2024 (Senate Bill 209). A copy of Lott's written testimony is available here.
Testimony before the US Commission on Civil Rights on Racial Disparities in Violent Crime Victimization in the United States. A lively discussion ensued as Lott was the only witness attacked by the Commissioners and other witnesses. Dr. John Lott testified before the US Civil Rights Commission on federal efforts to gather data on racial and ethnic disparities. He was on Panel 4: Researcher & Policy Experts. Dr. Lott was the only person on...
Testimony today before the US Civil Rights Commission on Federal Efforts to Gather Data on Racial and Ethnic Disparities
Dr. John Lott is scheduled to testify on Friday, November 17th, 2023, before the US Civil Rights Commission on Federal Efforts to Gather Data on Racial and Ethnic Disparities. He is on Panel 4: Researcher & Policy Experts: 2:05pm - 3:15pm. The Testimony is likely...
Testimony before the Delaware House Judiciary Committee on Licensing the Ownership of Handguns
Dr. John Lott testified virtually before the Delaware House Judiciary Committee on Senate Substitute 1 for Senate Bill 2, which requires citizens to obtain a handgun-qualified purchaser permit to authorize the purchase of a handgun, with an exemption for concealed...
Testimony before the Delaware State Senate on Permits for Handguns
Dr. John Lott testified before the Delaware State Senate regarding a bill to require permits to own a handgun. A copy of the bill (SB 2) is available here. The bill requires training requirements and has up to a thirty-days for people to get the permit. If you require...
Testimony before the Texas House Select Committee on Community Safety
Dr. John Lott testified five times before the Texas House Select Committee on Community Safety on multiple bills, from raising the age to 21, universal background checks, waiting periods, and paperwork requirements for gun dealers. The testimony on these various bills...
Testifying in Texas today
Dr. John Lott is to testify in Texas today. Lots of gun laws are being considered, from raising the age to 21, universal background checks, waiting periods, and paperwork requirements for gun dealers.
Testimony to the Nevada State Assembly Committee on Judiciary and Senate Committee on Judiciary about raising the age of gun possession to 21 years of age
Because the hearing date was changed at the last minute, Dr. John Lott provided testimony telephonically during the Joint Meeting of the Nevada State Assembly Committee on Judiciary and Senate Committee on Judiciary opposing AB355, which would raise the age of gun...
Testified before the Oregon state Senate Committee On Judiciary Sen. Dennis Linthicum, R-Klamath Falls, invited Dr. John Lott to testify before the Oregon state Senate Committee On Judiciary on SB 348. (Monday, March 27, 2023)
Nikki Goeser and Dr. John Lott Testified before the Colorado Senate Judiciary Committee
Nikki Goeser's testimony on Red Flag bill SB23-170: Dr. Lott's testimony on Red Flag bill SB23-170: Dr. Lott's testimony on lawsuits against gun makers and dealers SB23-168: Dr. Lott's testimony on raising the age to buying a gun to 21, SB23-169: Nikki Goeser and Dr....
Testimony to the Michigan House Judiciary Committee on Proposed Gun Control Bills Dr. John Lott testified before the Michigan House Judiciary Committee about gun control bills, including licensing and universal background checks, Red Flag laws, and safe storage laws. The hearings were partially motivated by the Michigan...