Dr. John Lott testified before the Tennessee Senate Judiciary Committee in favor of the Student Concealed Carry on College Campus Bill on March 7, 2023. Tennessee is a partial Campus Carry state where professors and staff...
Gun Control Lies
Talk in Brazil about that country’s experience with loosening gun control laws Dr. John Lott spoke in Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brazil, on August 4th, 2022. His speech focused on Brazil's experience with loosening gun control laws. It expanded on the piece that he recently published in the Wall Street...
Colorado Highland Ranch School Students Angry that Vigil for dead and wounded classmates used to push gun control
Gun control groups and politicians used the vigil for the Colorado Highland Ranch School students to push for gun control. Colorado STEM students walked out en masse from the vigil in protest of this politicization and for not being allowed to speak on behalf of their...
UPDATED: Correcting Gun Control false claims about “America’s unique gun violence problem” and “How to Reduce Shootings”
UPDATED, originally Posted April 3, 2018: An article at Vox has gained attention for illustrating America's "unique gun violence problem" in 17 maps and charts. A similar New York Times opinion piece by Nicolas Kristof on "How to Reduce Shootings" and another at the...
Talk on Gun Control Advocate False Claims
Dr. John Lott gave a talk on the lies that gun control advocates make at the American Freedom Alliance in Los Angeles on May 20, 2018. Many of the graphs and a more discussion is available in our recent post available here and Dr. Lott's book The War on Guns...
On the lies by gun control advocates and how opposition to gun control has changed over time
Dr. John Lott's talk in Dallas on May 6, 2018, at the NRA Annual Convention. He went through a series of lies by gun control advocates after he briefly discussed on the opposition to gun control has changed over the last couple of decades. Unfortunately, the graphs...
Klarevas’ false claims about the federal assault weapons ban and mass public shootings
The Data files for the data used below is available here. A large amount of research has been done on the federal assault weapons ban that was in effect from 1994 to 2004. It has consistently found no statistically significant impact on mass public shootings or any...
Robert Reich’s false claims about Guns
Robert Reich's "5 Points to Counter the NRA" received over 2 million views just on one Facebook page (video is available here). So it isn't too surprising that a large number of Americans are being convinced that stricter gun control is the answer for reducing...
Do states with stricter gun control laws have fewer gun deaths? No. Do they have fewer homicides and suicides? Definitely not
Do more gun control laws mean fewer firearm deaths? Gun control advocates typically provide graphs looking across states that show more gun control laws related to fewer firearm deaths, but there are real problems with this approach. A Boston University School of...
Updated: Murder and homicide rates before and after gun bans
Original post: Every place that has banned guns (either all guns or all handguns) has seen murder rates go up. You cannot point to one place where murder rates have fallen, whether it's Chicago or D.C. or even island nations such as England, Jamaica, or Ireland. For...