In the op-ed, published by the New York Post, Lott explained that there are two ways of examining occurrences of violent crime: One is the measure of those crimes reported to police and the other is the measure of those crimes which were not reported. . . . AWR...
Media Coverage
Coverage in the New York Post: “Trump warns cops in ‘more danger’ than ever from ‘Kamala’s crime wave,’ as he touts union endorsement”
Dr. Lott's held a press briefing on Friday on our work on the rise in crime over the last few years. Dr. John Lott, the president of the Crime Prevention Research Center, also shared startling statistics about the rise in unreported violent crimes during President...
At Breitbart: “Expert: Data Indicate Violent Crime Is Not Declining, It Is Just Not Being Reported”
Dr. John Lott participated in a press briefing on the crime data today with about 30 reporters on whether crime is increasing or decreasing. Below is the beginning of a news story from Breitbart on the presentation. CBS News also asked Lott a question, but they and...
President Trump references the Crime Prevention Center Research on Crime Rates Trump: "And we had a couple of instances last night where things were mentioned. So I got it. Did crime rise under Trump and fall under Biden? They said it rose under Trump and and they go, No, the opposite is true. Take a...
Washington Times Covers Our Research: “Harris boasts of falling crime as victims say it’s increasing”
Stephen Dinan at the Washington Times has a long article that was motivated by our work on whether crime rates are going up or down. Here is part of his article that directly discusses our work. . . . “The question is: Do you want to look at only crimes reported to...
CPRC in the News: Baltimore Sun, Real Clear Politics, Townhall, All Sides, and much more
. . . I don’t believe firearms are the leading cause of death for children. One should not accept the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as the only or most reliable data source. I challenge Murthy to investigate data from the Crime Prevention Research Center...
CPRC in the News: The Wall Street Journal, Real Clear Politics, Magnum (Brazil), The Truth About Guns, and more
Instead of relying on incomplete FBI data, Republicans point to the Bureau of Justice Statistics National Crime Victimization Survey, which John Lott, founder of the Crime Prevention Research Center, tells RCP is the “gold standard” in crime statistics because it...
John Lott’s Interview with America’s First Freedom
Dr. John Lott was interviewed by the editor of America's First Freedom, Frank Miniter, about the problems with the FBI crime data. Our previous research on this topic can be found here and here. Our op-eds on this are available here and here.
CPRC in the News: Instapundit, Powerline, 1819 News, Zero Hedge, Real Clear Politics, American Greatness, and much more
According to gun expert and founder of the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) John Lott, who served as the senior advisor for Research and Statistics in the Office of Justice Programs and then the Office of Legal Policy in the U.S. Department of Justice...
CPRC in the News: New York Post, Newsweek, Wisconsin Politics, The American Spectator, Zero Hedge, New American, and much more
Mainstream media argue that our cities are safer, yet overlooked data — and public perception — suggest the opposite, explains John R. Lott, Jr at The Wall Street Journal: “92% of Republicans and 58% of Democrats” think crime is rising, and “Americans...
CPRC in the News: The Epoch Times, The Daily Signal, Real Clear Investigations, Townhall,, and more
The claim that firearms are the top killer of children in the United States is disputed by some. The Crime Prevention Research Center claims that for that to be true, one must count deaths of anyone younger than 20. This includes gang members and older teens who are...
Letter in the WSJ Responding to Lott’s Op-ed in the Newspaper
Here is the letter that the WSJ published in response to Dr. John Lott's op-ed. . Our New Shoplifting Policy: Employees are being told not to confront store theft. . I agree with John Lott (“The Media Say Crime Is Going Down. Don’t Believe It,” op-ed, April 25) that...