CPRC's Senior Fellow Nikki Goeser speaks at Gun Owners of America about the language used by gun control advocates and how to argue against it (Gun Owners Advocacy and Leadership Summit 2024 in Knoxville, TN.). She discusses how gun control can result in more deaths....
gun control
Kamala Harris comes out Strongly on Gun Bans
During the Democrat National Convention, the only two issues that Vice President Kamala Harris came out clearly on were abortion and gun control. Here is a Tweet she put out on X on Sunday, August 25, 2024.
Tim Walz’s false claims on Gun Control in 2018
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GX-cLn1dgk0 While are main concern are the false claims that he has made about gun control, here are other times he indicates he served in war. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SNF_bymQ-8 Tim Walz in 2018: “I spent 25 years in the Army...
Biden’s Gun Control Ad Attacking Trump
https://videopress.com/v/mv9khMWt?resizeToParent=true&cover=true&preloadContent=metadata&useAverageColor=true Biden is making gun control a central part of his re-election campaign. Biden is referring to shootings at Parkland High School, Sutherland...
CPRC’s Nikki Goeser on the Tudor Dixon Podcast
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJAOvDaogUw May 6, 2024 In this episode, Tudor talks with Senior Fellow of the Crime Prevention Research Center Nikki Goeser, a victims' rights advocate, who shares her story of her husband being brutally murdered by her stalker. She...
Video of Lecture at Lake Forest College on Gun Control
https://youtu.be/CwyJ7b3UkAI Dr. John Lott taught two classes on gun control at Lake Forest College on March 5th. This is a follow-up to his lecture on statistics on January 23rd. The PowerPoint of Lott’s lecture is available here (excluding the videos). A video...
Biden Administration Harassing Largest Gun Dealers
The Biden administration continues its push to put gun sellers out of business. The criteria for being included on the list is relatively simple: at least 25 guns traced to a crime over a year that were purchased within the past three years. It’s known in the law...
Was the UNC Shooter Legally Able To Obtain a Gun? Nonimmigrant aliens, such as those with student visas, are banned.
The law is clear that someone admitted under a student visa is banned under any circumstances that would apply to the student who murdered his professor at the University of North Carolina on Monday. North Carolina also bans guns on college campuses. BATF: "Generally,...
Who are the FFLs that the Biden Administration is Putting out of Business?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4voCVzE4ms Mr. Tom Harris of the Sporting Arms Co. of Lewisville, Texas, is a disabled individual and father of five who makes his income from his home-based FFL. Apparently, Harris had some small paperwork mistakes fifteen and sixteen...
Biden’s Zero Tolerance Policy Drove 1,826 Licensed Gun Dealers Out of Business in 2021 and 2022
While the BATF claims that during the last half of 2021 they drove 5 FFLs out of business and an additional 88 in 2022, a lawsuit by Gun Owners of America found that the number of FFLs where a compliance inspection resulted in them going out of business increased from...
Text of Lula’s Executive Order on Guns and Ammunition from January 1st
The original text in Portuguese of Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva's first executive order is available here. The order represents a dramatic change in the regulations dealing with guns and ammunition. An English translation of the order is available...
At Newsweek: There Is No Firm, Sustained Support for Gun Control
Dr. John Lott and Congressman Thomas Massie have a new op-ed at Newsweek on important new research from the CPRC. A frequent talking point in the gun control debate is that Americans overwhelmingly support "common sense" gun control measures, such as universal...