The CPRC hired McLaughlin & Associates to survey 1,000 general election voters on December 17th, 2024, regarding whether they carry concealed handguns. Not surprisingly, people in constitutional-carry states carry concealed handguns more frequently than people in...
Survey on gun ownership
Gallup: Gun Ownership Rates Have Spiked by 14 Percentage Points Among Republican Women, 5 Points Among All Women
According to Gallup's Nov. 21 report, gun ownership among U.S. adults remains near 30% overall, but the ownership rate among Republican women rose from 19% in 2007-2012 to 33% in 2019-2024. Among Republican men it rose slightly from 57% in 2007-2012 to 60% in...
New Economist/YouGov Poll Puts Guns as Tied with Civil Rights for the 6th most Important Among USA Adults
Asking whether "guns" are an important issue for Americans is not particularly useful as both those concerned about the right to self-defense and gun control advocates may both answer yes. While a new Economist/YouGov poll (p. 36) from March 24-26, 2024 has guns and...
Americans are divided on whether to ban “assault weapons”: Survey
Rasmussen Reports survey from May 31 to June 5, 2022 shows that Americans are divided on banning "assault weapons," including AR-15s. The survey finds that 44% of Likely U.S. voters believe banning weapons like the AR-15 would not violate the Second...
Most Americans believe that the most important purpose of the 2nd Amendment is to ensure personal protection: Survey
A Rasmussen Reports survey from May 31 to June 5, 2022 shows that most Americans think that the Second Amendment's most important purpose is to ensure personal protection. Fifty-four percent (54%) of Likely Voters believe the most important purpose of the Second...
Most Americans Think You Need to Have a Gun Today in Case You Are Attacked by Criminals
Gun control advocates keep trying to convince Americans that they don't need a gun for protection. Indeed, they are trying to convince them that they shouldn't have guns for protection. A new Harvard CAP/Harris Poll shows their message is having trouble getting...
Latest NBC Survey Shows 52% of American Households Own a Gun
In the ten years from February 2013 to November 2023, the household gun ownership rate has grown from 42% to 52%. It is a six percentage point increase since 2019. Republicans and Democrats have seen the same 11 percentage point increase, though gun ownership has...
At The Federalist: How Gun-Hating Media Use Slanted Surveys To Manipulate Public Opinion
Dr. John Lott has a new op-ed at The Federalist. . Gun control advocates often point to polls showing overwhelming support for gun control. For instance, in May, a headline for an NPR/PBS Newshour survey proclaimed: “Most Americans say curbing gun violence is more...
How Asking Gun Control Questions Differently Dramatically Changes the Results: Comparing NPR/PBS versus the Crime Prevention Research Center
A survey in May for NPR/PBS NewsHour by Marist had the headline: “Most Americans say curbing gun violence is more important than gun rights.” The Survey from May 15th through the 18th claimed: “6 in 10 say controlling gun violence is more important than...
Would you want to live or not live in a state with increasing taxes, that allowed minors to get gender surgery without parental permission, that encouraged undocumented immigrants, that allowed abortions up to 9 months, had more restrictions on legal gun ownership, and allowed felons to vote? 66% to 34% say No
The Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll shows that the vast majority of Americans would rather live in states with Republican policies than Democrat ones, though it isn't clear which policies are most driving their preference. Only liberals (by a 63-to-37 percent margin) and...
At Newsweek: There Is No Firm, Sustained Support for Gun Control
Dr. John Lott and Congressman Thomas Massie have a new op-ed at Newsweek on important new research from the CPRC. A frequent talking point in the gun control debate is that Americans overwhelmingly support "common sense" gun control measures, such as universal...
Support for Universal Background Checks is Very Sensitive to the Question Asked. People don’t like the laws when they find out about what the laws actually mean.
The Crime Prevention Research Center hired McLaughlin & Associates to survey people's views on universal background checks. We started with the standard question asked by survey groups such as Gallup and Morning Consult+Politico, and they added details about these...