Robert F Kennedy on the NRA on Jordan Peterson EP 363 June 5, 2023 Town Hall with RFK Jr. & Michael Smerconish June 5th 2023 2nd Amendment It seems a little challenging to figure out exactly what Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s views are on guns. On the one side, in a...
Democrats supporting the 2nd Amendment
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- At The Federalist: Trump’s FBI Reforms Need to Include Ending Data Distortions.
- CPRC in the News: The Baltimore Sun, National Interest, Daily Wire, Wyoming News, and Much More
- Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson: After Hours: Misleading Crime Statistics (Well worth listening to)
- Another Car attack in Germany, at least 28 Injured
- A Deep Dive into Cases Where Civilians Stopped Active Shooters. Did they accidentally shoot bystanders, get in the way of police, get their gun taken away, or create other problems?
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