New Jersey has now put together a website on their concealed carry permits. Since the Supreme Court's Bruen decision, New Jersey has approved 34,589 concealed handgun permits had denied 246 applications -- an acceptance rate of 99.3%. In the twelve months before...
race and crime
At the Federalist: California’s New Unconstitutional Concealed-Carry Ban Hurts Black People And Women Most
Dr. John Lott has a new piece at The Federalist. . As of Jan 1, Californians are banned from carrying permitted concealed handguns in virtually the entire state. There is no evidence that permit holders have caused problems in California or elsewhere in the...
Violent Crime Rates by Race
In 2022, the murder rate among blacks is 653% higher than the murder rate for whites. The murder rate for Hispanics is 65% higher than for whites. Nor are those numbers that much of an outlier. From 1990 through 2022, the black murder rate average 569% higher than...
Vice President Kamala Harris falsely claims: “Muslims in America and those perceived to be Muslim have endured a disproportionate number of hate fueled attacks.”
In setting up “the first ever US National Strategy to Counter Islamophobia,” the Biden administration has again focused on hate crimes against Muslims despite the rise this year in hate crimes against Jews. How accurate is Vice President Kamala Harris’ claim: “Muslims...
The Crime Prevention Research Center in Politico: Whose policies are actual the racist ones?
The Politico belittles President Trump's attempts to protect people and federal property against the riots as "Theater." They describe the discussion as "Now President Donald Trump is indulging the dream more than any national leader in recent history, attempting to...
Monmouth University Poll shows Blacks and Whites equally satisfied with their local police departments, black satisfaction up dramatically among blacks
You would never know if from the media, but over the last five years black satisfaction with their local police departments has soared from 50% being at least somewhat satisfied in 2015 to 72% now. The rate for other minorities has also gone up slightly from 65% to...
At the Wall Street Journal: Women & Minorities Bear Arms: They are fueling growth in concealed carry permits
Dr. John Lott has a new op-ed at the Wall Street Journal: Each year brings a new record increase in the number of concealed handgun permits. The rate of growth in permits among women and minorities has far outpaced growth among white men. The data paint a picture of...
CPRC on the Sean Hannity Radio Show to discuss the Obama administration’s claims about racism in Ferguson Police Department
John Lott appeared on the Sean Hannity Radio Show from 5:06 to 5:20 PM on Monday, March 16th, 2015 to discuss the Obama administration's claims about racism in Ferguson Police Department (audio available here).
CPRC in the New York Post: “Ferguson fake out: Justice Department’s bogus report”
John Lott's piece in the New York Post starts this way (for those interested in reading the original DOJ report on Ferguson it is available here): Addressing the nation from Selma, Ala., on Saturday, President Obama said that while racism may be “no longer endemic,”...
CPRC in the Pittsburgh Tribune Review: Comments on FBI Director James Comey’s recent speech on police and race
John Lott's newest piece in the starts this way: FBI Director James Comey's recent speech on police and race was about as politically incorrect a speech as you will get these days from a high-ranking government official. Comey acknowledges “the existence of...
Bloomberg’s false racist claims about who commits crime
At 41:10 into this Q&A session in Aspen, Colorado last week, Michael Bloomberg made this claim about who the criminals are First thing is . . . 95% of your murderers and murder victims fit one MO. You can just take the description, xerox it, and pass it out to all...
CPRC on WVON in Chicago for a lively discussion on black’s trust of police officers
Maya Akai had John Lott on WVON, the big black talk radio station in Chicago, to discuss his findings that if you look at the rate that blacks report crimes to police it appears that blacks trust police more than most people believe. It was a very lively program,...