Monmouth University Poll shows Blacks and Whites equally satisfied with their local police departments, black satisfaction up dramatically among blacks

Jun 6, 2020 | Survey

You would never know if from the media, but over the last five years black satisfaction with their local police departments has soared from 50% being at least somewhat satisfied in 2015 to 72% now. The rate for other minorities has also gone up slightly from 65% to 68%. While the rate for whites has fallen a little so that it is now identical to the rate for blacks (falling from 78% to 72%). (The Monmouth University Poll was conducted by telephone from May 28 to June 1, 2020 with 807 adults in the United States.)

While the at least somewhat satisfied rate for blacks and whites is identical, whites are clearly more satisfied than blacks. 45% of non-Hispanic whites are very satisfied and 27% are somewhat satisfied, 21% of blacks are very satisfied and 51% are somewhat satisfied. By contrast, Hispanics are closer to non-Hispanic Whites, with 42% of Hispanics very satisfied, and 26% somewhat satisfied.



