CPRC's piece in Investors' Business Daily starts this way: With chants of "NYPD, KKK" and signs saying "Stop Racist Police Terror" up until days before Christmas, protesters in New York made it clear that they don't trust the police. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo's...
race and crime
CPRC on the Sean Hannity Radio Show: Talking about race and police
On Friday, CPRC's John Lott talked to Buck Sexton, who was substituting for Sean Hannity, about whether the polling of blacks about police really reflects what they really believe. The interview on Friday, December 19th went from 5:09 to 5:16 PM EDT.
CPRC at Fox News: “Expert: Blacks trust police more than whites do”
John Lott's newest piece at Fox News starts this way: Do blacks trust police more than whites do? Given the anger over events in Ferguson and New York City, the very question seems absurd. But it is not. Behind the polls and demonstrations, there is evidence that...
CPRC discussing whether blacks really trust the police with Lars Larson and Larry Elder
Here is the audio of John Lott on the Lars Larson Show on Thursday, December 12th, 2014 from 7:35 to 7:40 PM EST. Here is the audio of John Lott on the Larry Elder Show on Tuesday, December 10th, 2014 from 6:30 to 7:00 PM EST (part 1 and part 2).
UPDATED: New Pew Survey shows that support for gun ownership increasing, mirrors other surveys showing that people believe guns make them safer
The newly released Pew Research Center survey shows that 47 percent of Americans want to "protect the right of Americans to own guns" versus 50 percent who support "control of gun ownership." It also supports other polls by Gallup and CNN that show that opposition to...
Do Blacks trust the police more than whites or Hispanics do?
A recent Gallup survey shows 50% of blacks believe that black males are more likely to go to prison than white males primarily because of discrimination. By contrast, only 19% of whites agreed. Blacks also indicate that they have less confidence in police and the...
CPRC on KTSA on the Eric Garner case in New York City
John Lott was on the Trey Ware Morning Show at 8:45 AM on Thursday, December 4th to talk about the Eric Garner case and the general behavior of the police.
CPRC at Fox News: “Ferguson: Obama contines to undermine police departments around the country”
John Lott's newest piece at Fox News explains the dangers that police face and starts this way: As a response to the police shooting of Michael Brown, President Obama proposes $263 million for police training and body cameras. But more police training wouldn’t have...
CPRC in the New York Daily News: “Dangerous distortions about cops shooting black men: An oft-cited figure is based on incomplete data and questionable math”
John Lott's newest piece at the New York Daily News starts this way: Exaggerations have poisoned discussions about relations between blacks and the police. “Black men between the ages of 15 and 19 are 21 times as likely as whites to be killed by a police officer,”...
CPRC on Bill Martinez Live: Discussing Ferguson fall out
John Lott was on the Bill Martinez Live to discuss the fall out after the Ferguson verdict was released (show went from 9:20 to 9:45 AM, Tuesday, December 2, 2014). Martinez's show airs in over 250 markets. Part 1: Part 2:
CPRC at Fox News: “The truth about young black men and police shootings”
John Lott's newest piece at Fox News starts this way: Tensions are still high in Ferguson, Mo., after the Aug. 8 police shooting of Michael Brown. On Friday, it was reported forensics showed Brown’s blood was on both the inside of police officer Darren Wilson’s car as...
Grossly misleading claims about black teens being “vastly more likely to be killed by police than whites even after adjusting for crime rates”
Sometimes racial discrimination is occurring and should be pointed out, but sometimes false information is being used to unjustifiably inflame concerns. The claims being put forward by Slate and Pro Publica are simply very misleading. From Slate: "The 1,217 deadly...