Dr. John Lott talked to One America News about an op-ed that Lott wrote with Congressman Thomas Massie (KY-R) at Newsweek titled: "Biden’s Gun Control Law Will Radically Change U.S. Gun Ownership."
Universal Background Checks
Federal law explicitly prohibits the creation of a federal firearm registry, but the Biden Administration has put together a national registry with almost One Billion transactions
In total, ATF manages 920,664,765 OBR (Out of Business Records) as of November 2021. This includes digital and an estimated number of hard copy records that are awaiting image conversion. It is currentlyestimated that 865,787,086 of those records are in digitalized...
On NTD News: Understanding some of the Problems with Democrats’ Background Check Bills
Dr. John Lott was interviewed by NTD about the bill to close the "Charleston Loophole" and the costs of Universal Background Checks. Other relevant information is available here.
On Gun Radio Utah To Discuss Universal Background Checks
Dr. John Lott talked to KNRS’s Clark Aposhian about Salt Lake County requiring Universal Background Checks for the private transfer of guns. (Saturday, February 6, 2021, from 5:35 to 5:45 PM)
On the Blaze TV’s America with Eric Bolling: Warning of the biggest policy errors Congress could make with new gun control efforts
Dr. John Lott talked to Eric Bolling on the Blaze TV about a range of gun control from universal background checks to Red Flag laws to gun-free zones. (The Blaze TV, August 22, 2019)
New Video: Background Checks Punish Minorities
In association with "Free the People," the CPRC has put together a new video on the push for background checks on the private transfer of guns. The U.S. House is voting on Tuesday, February 26th, 2019 to impose universal gun background checks. But the fact is, if...
Why do Democrats keep pushing Universal Background Checks as a way to stop Mass Public Shootings?
Rep. Lucy McBath (D-GA) pushes gun background checks on private transfers because “We Could Have Parkland at Any Time,” but there is not 1 mass public shooting this century that would have been stopped by this law. So why do gun controllers keep pushing it as a...
Some Congressmen use CPRC info during the mark up of the Universal Background Check bill
Congressmen Collins (ranking member), Gaetz, and Gohmert were among those who used Crime Prevention Research Center research during the mark up of the Universal Background Check bill (that covers background checks on private transfers of guns). Congressman Doug...
House Judiciary holds hearing on Gun Violence in America: Uses CPRC research on how Universal Background Checks and other gun control stops law-abiding from getting guns for self-defense
Congressman Louie Gohmert's questions and comments regarding gun-control Congressman Louie Gohmert gives a statement about universal background checks and fees associated with those checks impacting low-income Americans from being able to protect themselves....