Like the New Zealand and El Paso mass public shooters, the Buffalo mass public shooter had very similar views. He was an environmentalist who hated free trade and capitalists and a socialist. Like them he called himself a racial autonomist. The media of course keeps...
State of New York Relies on Past Racist Court to argue for Discretionary Concealed Handgun Laws where people must provide a “good reason” to obtain a permit, other issues
The State of New York has put in its response in the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen case that will be heard by the Supreme Court on November 3rd. The New York state response brief starts off making this point: “In 1897, this Court said that it...
The Crime Prevention Research Center in Politico: Whose policies are actual the racist ones?
The Politico belittles President Trump's attempts to protect people and federal property against the riots as "Theater." They describe the discussion as "Now President Donald Trump is indulging the dream more than any national leader in recent history, attempting to...
At Fox News: Why Bloomberg’s 2015 Racist ‘Stop and Frisk’ remarks are riddled with inaccuracies
Bloomberg now claims that the comments that Dr. Lott discusses below didn't represent his real views on these issues: “It’s just not the way that I think, and it doesn’t reflect what I do every day.” But the question is what is more likely to represent his true views:...
What does the El Paso WalMart killer’s manifesto show?
The killer's manifesto made a couple of things clear. He is a racist who identifies with the Christchurch shooter and says that they have the same views. The New Zealand killer was a socialist/environmentalist who supported gun control. The El Paso killer is also an...
Media Politicize New Zealand Terror Attack, Blame Trump
It is only too easy to find media who are blaming Trump for the mass public shooting in New Zealand on March 14, 2019. Below are transcripts of some CNN clips. Just one question to think about: If Trump is so responsible for these attacks, why is it that these attacks...