A Rare Defensive Gun Use on Television that Worked Out Well: Apple’s Bad Monkey

Oct 30, 2024 | Media Bias

Apple’s Bad Monkey recently showed a case where a criminal took away a civilian’s permitted concealed handgun and used it to shoot at a former police officer. Of course, television show bias against guns is never-ending. It is exceedingly rare to see an entertainment television show with a civilian successfully using a gun defensively. Instead, something always seems to go wrong when guns are used defensively (from being fatally shot by the criminal without stopping the crime to getting in the way of police to continually having the gun stolen and used in a crime to it being used in an accidental shooting). But this episode of Apple TV’s Bad Monkey is very unusual (Season 1, Episode 9, October 2, 2024). In this episode, a woman’s boyfriend put a gun in her purse over her objections, but .

If you watch entertainment television these days, you would never know that people use guns defensively some 2 million times a year. If you want some examples of people successfully using guns to stop crimes, here are some examples. Other examples of people using guns to stop mass public shootings are available here. Our research on active shooting attacks that are stopped by concealed handgun permit holders is available here.

More examples of television coverage of defensive gun uses are available here.

Here is a video on Hollywood’s bias against guns.



