New Research: Voter Discrepancies Found in the ARIZONA 2022 GENERAL ELECTION

Jun 28, 2023 | Original Research, Vote Fraud

Our newest research paper is available here. Because of our earlier work on this topic, the Ohio legislature on June 30th passed the Data Analysis Transparency Archive bill to ensure that the number of voters who voted can be matched with the number of ballots cast.




We had a simple goal: match the number of voters who voted with the number of ballots cast. After elections, concerns are raised that ballots were counted multiple times (so that there could be more ballots cast than voters who voted) and that ballots were destroyed (so that there could be more voters who voted than ballots cast). 


Either there are more votes than registered voters who voted, and that gap is larger than the vote difference in the Arizona 2022 attorney general’s race, or the counties have failed to keep accurate records of who voted, which violates the 1960 federal Civil Rights Act. Of course, both may be true.


John R. Lott, Jr. and Stephen Smith, “Voter Discrepancies Found in the ARIZONA 2022 GENERAL ELECTION,” Social Science Research Network, June 28, 2023.




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On Iowa’s KXEL: To Discuss Crime Statistics

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