vote fraud

Rasmussen Reports: 68% Back Proof of Citizenship for Voting, 73% Say It is Important to Prevent Illegal Immigrants from Voting, and 63% are Even Willing to Shutdown the Government to Get a Proof of Citizenship Law Passed.

Rasmussen Reports: 68% Back Proof of Citizenship for Voting, 73% Say It is Important to Prevent Illegal Immigrants from Voting, and 63% are Even Willing to Shutdown the Government to Get a Proof of Citizenship Law Passed.

A new Rasmussen Reports survey in September shows overwhelming support for requiring proof of citizenship to register to vote in national elections. Indeed, only liberals oppose proof of citizenship. Even Democrats as a whole support it by a clear 56%-to-33%....

Likely Voters in Swing States are very concerned about Vote Fraud, Significant Percentages of Democrats and Liberals Got More than One Ballot in the Mail or Got One for Someone who did not Live at their Address

Likely Voters in Swing States are very concerned about Vote Fraud, Significant Percentages of Democrats and Liberals Got More than One Ballot in the Mail or Got One for Someone who did not Live at their Address

By large margins, all groups of likely voters in the six swing states (AZ, NV, GA, PA, WI, and MI), with the exception of Democrats and Biden supporters, are concerned about the risk of cheating in the 2024 election (Rasmussen, July 5-12, 2024 of 5,605 likely voters)....

Woman found guilty of all 52 charges of voter fraud

Woman found guilty of all 52 charges of voter fraud

A jury has returned a guilty verdict for the trial of Kim Taylor, who was facing dozens of voter fraud charges. Kim Taylor, the wife of Woodbury County Supervisor Jeremy Taylor, was facing 52 total voter-fraud-related charges in federal court. She was found guilty of...

