A new Trafalgar Group survey of 1,078 likely general election voters from July 7th to 10th, 2022, shows they believe that armed citizens are much more effective in protecting people in a mass shooting than local police or federal agents. While Democrats are much less...
survey on policing
Voters understand that not punishing criminals means more crime, even Democrats
The new Manhattan District Attorney in New York City announced he will not seek prison sentences for many crimes, and he will punish many felony cases as misdemeanors. By a 2.7-to-1 margin, a new Rasmussen Reports survey shows that likely voters expect this policy to...
70% of Likely US Voters think violent crime is “out of control,” by a 65% to 23% spread, blacks say that district attorneys refusing to prosecute accused criminals increases crime
A new poll by Rasmussen Reports finds a great deal of agreement across races and sexes regarding crime and law enforcement. Blacks are only slightly more concerned about the recent increase in violent crime than whites, though Hispanics are more concerned. Blacks are...
Monmouth University Poll shows Blacks and Whites equally satisfied with their local police departments, black satisfaction up dramatically among blacks
You would never know if from the media, but over the last five years black satisfaction with their local police departments has soared from 50% being at least somewhat satisfied in 2015 to 72% now. The rate for other minorities has also gone up slightly from 65% to...
Do Blacks trust the police more than whites or Hispanics do?
A recent Gallup survey shows 50% of blacks believe that black males are more likely to go to prison than white males primarily because of discrimination. By contrast, only 19% of whites agreed. Blacks also indicate that they have less confidence in police and the...