Michigan State Mass Murderer Had Prior Felony Gun Charge Dismissed By Progressive Prosecutor in the name of ‘race equity’

Feb 14, 2023 | Law Enforcement, Mass Public Shootings

Here is another example of the problems created by progressive prosecutors.


A gunman who killed three and wounded five others at Michigan State University on Monday would have been barred from owning a firearm at the time of the shooting had he not had felony gun charges dismissed by a progressive prosecutor.


Anthony McRae was charged in June 2019 with illegally carrying a concealed handgun without a permit, but later had those charges dismissed by the office of Ingham County district attorney Carol Siemon (D.). Her office instead let McRae plead guilty to a lesser misdemeanor gun charge, and he served a little more than a year on probation, which ended May 2021. He initially faced up to five years in prison for the felony charge, the Detroit News reported.


Siemon retired from the district attorney’s office at the start of this year after facing criticism from judges and law enforcement officials for her soft-on-crime policies. The same year that McRae was released, ​​Ingham County sheriff Scott Wriggelsworth pushed East Lansing’s city council “to reconsider her internal felony firearm charging policy,” which he said “does not hold people properly criminally accountable, and increases the likelihood of additional gun violence.” . . .


Josh Christenson, “Michigan State Shooter Had Prior Felony Gun Charge Dismissed By Progressive Prosecutor,” Washington Free Beacon, February 14, 2023.



