A retired New York police inspector and the president of the Times Square Alliance explains that Gun-free Zones won’t stop criminals from carrying a gun

Feb 14, 2023 | Gun Free Zones

Amazingly, the New York Times actually quotes a retired police officer who understands the problems with gun-free zones.

The shooting was the first since the creation of the expansive, signposted zone, the police said in a statement, and it immediately renewed questions about whether such a designation can truly protect the area.

“People feel emboldened to carry guns on the street,” said Tom Harris, a retired New York police inspector and the president of the Times Square Alliance, which promotes businesses and coordinates major events.

A gun-free zone is not going to stop a criminal from carrying a gun,” Mr. Harris said.

Maria Cramer and Lola Fadulu, “Times Square Killing Tests New York’s Push to Curb Gun
Violence,” New York Times, February 11, 2023.

Ron Noble, the Secretary General of INTERPOL from 2000 to 2014, made similar comments. He cautioned that even with “extraordinary security,” it would be virtually impossible to keep weapons out of soft targets. This means that only the terrorists will have weapons.




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