On WERC Morning News With JT: Discussing new polling on the decline in support for new gun control laws

Dec 18, 2021 | Radio

Dr. John Lott talked to JT on Birmingham, Alabama’s big WERC-AM-FM about Lott’s piece at Real Clear Politics titled: “Support for More Gun Control Falls, But Partisan Gap Grows.” See also the new Quinnipiac University Poll. They also discussed Lott’s work at Real Clear Investigations: “There Are Far More Defensive Gun Uses Than Murders in America. Here’s Why You Rarely Hear of Them.” They also talked briefly about the recent school shooting in Michigan. He discussed the CPRC report titled: “Schools that Allow Teachers to Carry Guns are Extremely Safe: Data on the Rate of Shootings and Accidents in Schools that allow Teachers to Carry.

(Wednesday, December 1, 2021, from 9:10 to 9:22 AM)


