CBS puts out false claims about murders of transgender people. Their murder rate is actually less than the general population.

Apr 13, 2021 | Media Bias

This show claims that there were 44 “transgender and gender non-conforming” people murdered in 2020. According to estimates from the Williams Institute at UCLA, there are 1.4 million transgender adults. CBS’s Blue Bloods (Season 11, Episode 11, Friday, April 9, 2021) claims that the murder rate for transgenders is 7 times the rate for the general population and that the hatred for transgenders is much greater than for police. But that is a murder rate of 3.14 per 100,000 people, which is actually less than the overall murder rate of 5.0 per 100,000 — a 37% lower murder rate.

As to the comparison to police, 59 murdered in 2020 (45 gun fire, 1 assault, and 13 by vehicular assault) and there were 697.195 sworn officers in 2019 — for a murder rate of 8.46 per 100,000. The murder rate for police is thus 2.69 times the rate for transgender people.

The woman’s claim that “Cops have guns” wouldn’t just apply to cops if she lived someplace other than New York City. Outside of the restrictive states of California and New York, about 9.2% of the adult population has a permit.

Season 11, Episode 11, Friday, April 9, 2021


1 Comment

  1. Wesley

    And of course the omit, that most all of the transgender
    “persons” murdered were “Sex workers,” and sadly, the “Truth in ADVERTISING LAWS do not apply to Sex workers.

    Not to mention, when a user of the illicit sex market places finds deception in a sex worker, they do tend to overreact and with violence.

