New Democrat legislation to hike the taxes on guns from 10% to 20% and the tax on ammunition from 11% to 50%

Mar 19, 2018 | Featured

Democrats have long pushed for taxes and fees to prevent the poor and minorities from owning guns. The likely gubernatorial nominee for Illinois and U.S. Rep. Danny Davis (D-IL) announced new legislation to increase federal excise taxes on shells and cartridges from 11 percent to 50 percent and an increase in taxes on the sale of pistols and revolvers from 10 percent to 20 percent.  The text of the bill is available here.

Despite the bill just being out for a couple weeks, so far there are already 12 co-sponsors: Rep. Pascrell, Bill, Jr. [D-NJ-9], Rep. Johnson, Henry C. “Hank,” Jr. [D-GA-4], Rep. Kelly, Robin L. [D-IL-2], Rep. Langevin, James R. [D-RI-2], Rep. Blumenauer, Earl [D-OR-3], Rep. Bass, Karen [D-CA-37], Rep. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large], Rep. Cohen, Steve [D-TN-9], Rep. Lynch, Stephen F. [D-MA-8], Rep. Raskin, Jamie [D-MD-8], Rep. DeSaulnier, Mark [D-CA-11], and Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-13].



