CPRC on the Glenn Beck TV Show: Discussing the push to ban AR-15s

Jun 29, 2016 | Featured

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Dr. John Lott joined Glenn Beck on his TV program to discuss the differences between machine guns and the semi-automatic AR-15. (June 23, 2016 at 5:20 to 5:25 PM)

Beck: John, I appreciate your time and thanks for all your hard work over the years.   You are really the leading voice of the stats and the research on guns.

A similar discussion on these points is available here.


1 Comment

  1. Chris Bennett

    But police need AR-15 type rifles to stop the terrorists.

    Why do they need them and not their intended targets? The terrorists strike where they suspect the police to be far enough away to give them time to fulfill their missions.

    Ordinary people and the police face exactly the same threats. A police officer does not know she is tracking a violent criminal until she has found the remains of the victim. She may need an AR-15 to hunt the perpetrator(s) because they are so dangerous. A police officer may need an AR-15 to engage an active shooter in a mass shooting.

    How come they need them, but not the victims? It is entirely nonsensical to argue that there is some fictitious divide between the police and the rest of the population.

