Debates on concealed carry on campus at University of Texas at Austin and St. Mary’s University were standing room only: Video of UT Debate available

Nov 19, 2015 | Featured

Sources mentioned in debate: References to other research available here.  Accidental shootings on college campuses by concealed handgun permit holders is here.  Revocation rates for college age students compared to other permit holders is here.  Correcting Bloomberg’s claims on gun-free zones is available here.

On Tuesday this past week, John Lott had two debates at Texas universities — the University of Texas at Austin from noon to 1 PM (the first two picture) and St. Mary’s University from 6 to 7:30 PM (third picture).  Nine professors at the University of Texas who had spoken out publicly against allowing permitted concealed handguns on campus said that they were unwilling to debate Lott.  A number of other professors declined to respond to email requests.  Professor Joan Neuberger and Lecturer Matt Valentine asked that Lott be disinvited from speaking and refused to participate because they said that Lott’s research had been “disputed” or “discredited,” but when offered the chance to raise those points in a debate neither were willing to do so.  Valentine has attacked Lott in print before (response here), but was unwilling to do so face-to-face.  The story was the same with professors at St. Mary’s University.

At 1:26 into the above video, the president of the University of Texas Federalist Society discussed how difficult it was to find someone to debate Dr. Lott.  He said:

I am especially appreciative of Ms. Gavrin today.  As we talked this morning . . . . we worked through the Keep Guns Off Campus public list of signatories, professors from all around the campus, about 150 professors all over this campus, including about a dozen at the law school.  We received a total of nine “nos,” nine refusals to debate the Federalist Society sponsored speaker, Dr. Lott, until finally one of those professors came through and said: “I am still unwilling to debate Dr. Lott, however, I have a recommendation of someone who is really sharp, she’s really enthusiastic, she’s well-known among Keep Guns off Campus circles and that is Ms. Gavrin.”

Both auditoriums were completely filled, with students having to sit in the isles or stand at the back of the rooms.  And the debates were sponsored by the Federalist Societies at each law school.  The debate at the University of Texas was the second largest crowd that the Federalist Society chapter had ever had.  Both schools have been in the process of making plans on how to implement Texas’ new law on concealed carry on campus.  The University of Texas must allow concealed handguns on campus, but they are now considering what buildings it should be banned in.  Unfortunately, St. Mary’s University, a private university, made a decision to ban guns on campus immediately before our debate.

Please click on pictures to enlarge.

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  1. Bartosh Rudnicki

    This guy says you ignore many studies on concealed carry that deal with crime on a national level:

    1. Patricia Grambsch, “Regression to the Mean, Murder Rates, and Shall-Issue Laws”

    2. Hepburn, Miller, Azrael, and Hemenway, “The Effect of Nondiscretionary Concealed Carry Laws on Homicide”

    3. Ted Goertzel, “Myths of Murder and Multiple Regression”

    4. Webster, Vernick, Ludwig, and Lester, “Flawed gun policy research could endanger public safety”

    5. Albert Alschuler, “Two Guns, Four Guns, Six Guns, More Guns: Does Arming the Public Reduce Crime?”

    6. Zimring and Hawkins, “Concealed Handguns: The Counterfeit Deterrent”

    7. John Donohue, “The Final Bullet in the Body of the More Guns, Less Crime Hypothesis”

    8. Rosengart, Cummings, Nathens, Heagerty, Maier, Rivara, “An evaluation of state firearm regulations and homicide and suicide death rates”

    • Blake R

      So somehow the logic and clear reasoning flowing from the facts that as concealed carry laws sweept the nation, the number of firearms doubled, all while the violent crime rate plummeting by more than half in the last 23 years escapes all the people you reference? And they call Dr. Lott a liar? Where are their peer reviewed ace demon papers on the subject?

    • Blake R

      So somehow the inescapable logic and clear elementary reasoning flowing from the facts (as concealed carry laws swept the nation the number of firearms more than doubled, the violent crime rate plummeted by more than half in the last 23 years) escapes all the people you reference? And they call Dr. Lott a liar? Where are their peer reviewed academic papers on the subject? . . . (crickets chirping)

