Trump: “And we had a couple of instances last night where things were mentioned. So I got it. Did crime rise under Trump and fall under Biden? They said it rose under Trump and and they go, No, the opposite is true. Take a look at this here. It said, Is it true? Did crime rise under Trump and fall under Biden? No. Comma, the opposite is true. This was a study group that went out and doesn’t care, they do the numbers and there was another one that a historical comparison of the collapse of law enforcement in US cities, the drop in arrest rates over the last few years is without precedent. Lowest arrest rates we’ve ever seen. They don’t arrest people anymore.”
Transcript provided by ABC News, August 20, 2024.
In President Trump’s presentation on Tuesday, August 20th, 2024, in Michigan, he read from two recent Crime Prevention Center Research posts. Trump referenced our research on how violent crime fell under Trump, rose under Biden, and law enforcement collapsed over the last few years.
Did crime rise under Trump and Fall under Biden? No, the Opposite is True.

Here is yet another example of Democrats falsely claiming that crime has dropped under Biden. If they claimed REPORTED crime fell, they would at least have a credible claim.

Trump: “her administration’s crime statistics show she’s presided over a 43% increase in violent crime. These are all government numbers, 43% increase in violent crime. I bet the people behind me don’t have anything like that. Just gets better. It doesn’t get worse, including a 58% increase in rape, 89% increase in aggravated assault, and a 56% increase in robbery. The crime in America, the fact is, is out of control.”
The numbers cited by Trump here were also from the NCVS that our report discussed.