How has Americans’ Perception of Violent Crime Changed Over the Last Year?

May 13, 2024 | Survey

Rasmussen Reports has done several polls over the year asking whether likely voters in America think that violent crime is getting worse. We wanted to compare polls over the last year to see if there has been a change in people’s views. But despite the media’s attempt to convince Americans that violent crime is falling, the percentage of Likely Voters who think things are getting worse has remained unchanged, with 61% in late April and early May saying it is getting worse, 16% saying better, and 20% saying about the same. The changes in the views of liberals/Democrats and conservatives/Republicans largely offset each other. The biggest drops are for liberals and those who strongly approve of Biden, while the biggest increase is by those who are conservative and those who strongly disapprove of Biden. The first survey occurred in March 2023, and the last in late April and early May 2024.


Across all these surveys, roughly four times as many people think violent crime is rising rather than getting better (3.4 times in March 2023, 4.7 times in January 2014, and 3.7 times in April 2024).


While the media has yet to change the average person’s perception, it will be interesting to see


An Excel file with all the data is available in the link below.




On Iowa’s KXEL: To Discuss Crime Statistics

On Iowa’s KXEL: To Discuss Crime Statistics

Dr. John Lott appeared on Iowa’s giant 50,000-watt KXEL-AM radio station to discuss our research on the truth of the crime rates and law enforcement collapse over the last few years. See Dr. Lott's new op-ed piece at the New York Post titled "Democrats are hiding...