In many states, Democrats are pushing to raise the age that people can legally buy a gun to 21 years old. The main argument in favor of this point is that 18, 19, and 20-year-olds commit firearm-related crimes at relatively high rates, and that is true. But it is irrelevant to the ban that they are pushing. The issue isn’t whether that age group as a whole commit crimes but whether those who can legally buy a gun commit crimes. After all, about 90 percent of murderers already have a violent criminal history and are already banned from buying a gun. The question is whether those who can legally buy a gun will commit crimes because those are the only ones affected by the ban. Data compiled for several states indicates that 18 to 20-year-olds who can pass background checks tend to be very law-abiding.
On Stinchfield Tonight on Real America’s Voice: Discussing Mass Deportations to Save Billions Dr. John Lott Jr. appeared on Stinchfield Tonight on Real America’s Voice to discuss his new piece at The Federalist titled "Contrary To Media Claims, Deporting Illegal Alien Criminals Will Save Taxpayers More Than It Costs."...