The Washington Examiner reports that the three federal agencies waived people’s gun rights without congressional approval with internal forms.

Dec 23, 2022 | Featured

The FBI and other Federal agencies have put pressure on American citizens to give up their right to own a gun. Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, is demanding that the committee investigate these claims.

The Secret Service and the Immigration and Customs Enforcement secretly coordinated with the FBI to strip U.S. citizens of their rights to own, use, or even buy firearms, according to internal emails obtained by the Washington Examiner

Behind closed doors and without congressional approval, the FBI has stripped gun rights from at least 23 people with internal forms, the Washington Examiner reported. However, Secret Service and ICE , two agencies under the Department of Homeland Security, have also quietly used these same forms, emails show.

The emails were first obtained by the firearms rights group Gun Owners of America amid its Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the FBI and shared with the Washington Examiner. They demonstrate a more widespread effort than was previously known by the federal government to use the forms, which the Daily Caller revealed in September had been presented between 2016 and 2019 by FBI agents to people at their homes in Maine, Michigan, and Massachusetts, as well as in other undisclosed locations. . . .

Gabe Kaminsky, “‘Deep State mentality’: Secret Service, ICE secretly coordinated with FBI to strip gun rights, emails show,” The Washintong Examiner, December 13, 2022.



