Joseph E. Olson has been a Professor of Law (now Emeritus) at MitchellHamline School of Law in Saint Paul, Minnesota since 1974. He attended Duke Law School graduating with Honors and was selected for the Order of the Coif.
He has an interest in firearms regulation both as a Constitutional and a practical matter. As the primary pro-gun rights lobbyist at the Minnesota Legislature since the mid-1980’s, he has been involved in the enactment of all subsequent state gun-related laws.
Professor Olson was cited in Justice Scalia’s majority opinion in District of Columbia v. Heller (S. Ct. 2008) and recently in Duncan v. Becerra (9thCir., 2020). He co-wroteamicusbriefs to the US Supreme Court in Heller v. D.C. (2008) and in Chicago v. McDonald (2010).
Professor Olson has written, inter alia, numerous articles: Gun Control: Political Fears Trump Crime Control, 61 MAINE L. REV. 58 (2009)(with Clayton E. Cramer); What Did “Bear Arms” Mean in the Second Amendment?, 6 GEORGETOWN J. L. & PUB. POL’Y 511 (2008)(with Clayton E. Cramer); All the Way Down the Slippery Slope: Gun Prohibition in England and Some Lessons for Civil Liberties in America, 22 HAMLINE L. REV. 399 (1999) (with David B. Kopel).