Here is a story from last year about the CPRC’s Executive Director, Nikki Goeser.
Role models: They are the ones who inspire us, ones who have faced the challenges in their life head on and attacked every single one. Nikki Goeser, a gun owner from Tennessee, embodies this. Her passion for the Second Amendment drives her success everyday and the sadness of her past has strengthened her message in a way most would not expect. In the modern world, women parade around demonizing our founding principles because they feel victimized. Goeser has taken a situation which, by current standards, could have landed her with the perfect victim story — and turned her life around. She is now a leader in Washington, D.C., fighting for our rights every single day. Here is her story.
We all have different views on firearms and their necessity for self-defense. Goeser says, “I’m a firm supporter of the right to keep and bear arms. I learned the hard way, the night my stalker gunned down my husband in front of me while I was forced to be disarmed by a state-imposed law which made us defenseless. I had to leave my permitted and legal firearm that I normally carried for self-defense locked in my vehicle, because the restaurant we were working in was a gun-free zone.” As with most instances, legislation does not change the heart of a criminal, and it cost Goeser the life of a loved one. I have heard her tell the story on two or three occasions and I will never forget her saying she will spend the rest of her life wondering if she could have prevented this terrible man from murdering her husband. She is a firsthand example of the strength such a terrible event can give a person to stand even more firmly for their beliefs. . . . .
The rest of the piece on Nikki is available here.