National Review discusses Twitter locking John Lott’s account

Aug 5, 2019 | Featured

John Fund at National Review discusses Twitter locking Dr. John Lott’s account:

Last March, John Lott, head of the Crime Prevention Research Center and author of the book More Guns, Less Crime, sent out this tweet trying to debunk claims that the Christchurch shooter was a right-winger.

New Zealand killer’s manifesto says that he did attack to get more gun control/gun bans in New Zealand and the US, Killer was a socialist, environmentalist who hated capitalists and trade.

After this post, Twitter blocked Lott’s Twitter account without explanation.

Lotte later noted that the killer had even called himself an “eco-fascist” and had written, “The nation with the closest political and social values to my own is the People’s Republic of China.” Lott then included a link to send people to a story on his website that explained why his tweet was accurate. “The link conclusively proved what I said was truthful,” he told me.


1 Comment

  1. Tim Walley

    Give up. Move the offending tweet to facebook. Delete the original. Reclaim your account, and bleed them with articles such as this for as long as you can. What they did was wrong. The censoring of political speech they do not agree with is abhorrent.

