New Zealand killer’s manifesto says that he did attack to get more gun control/gun bans in New Zealand and the US, Killer was a socialist, environmentalist who hated capitalists and trade.
After this post, Twitter blocked Lott’s Twitter account without explanation.
Lotte later noted that the killer had even called himself an “eco-fascist” and had written, “The nation with the closest political and social values to my own is the People’s Republic of China.” Lott then included a link to send people to a story on his website that explained why his tweet was accurate. “The link conclusively proved what I said was truthful,” he told me.
Give up. Move the offending tweet to facebook. Delete the original. Reclaim your account, and bleed them with articles such as this for as long as you can. What they did was wrong. The censoring of political speech they do not agree with is abhorrent. The indoctrination against guns on television shows has been going on for a long time. We have collected many recent episodes on television where characters say that they dislike guns available here. Here is an episode from...
The Center for Immigration Studies released a 2018 report finding that in 2014, one in five births (791,000) in the U.S. was to an immigrant mother (legal or illegal). They thought that legal immigrants accounted for 12.4% (494,000) of all births and illegal... NJ Assemblyman Greg Myhre (R) has a video on how violent crime fell after the Supreme Court's Bruen decision, dramatically increasing the number of concealed handgun permits in the state. As has been seen in all the other...
Give up. Move the offending tweet to facebook. Delete the original. Reclaim your account, and bleed them with articles such as this for as long as you can. What they did was wrong. The censoring of political speech they do not agree with is abhorrent.