Showing how the percent of adults with concealed handgun permit changes in states over time from 2013 to 2018

May 29, 2019 | Featured

The graphs and tables below allow you to see how the percent of adults with concealed handgun permits are changing in states from 2013 to 2018. On the top right of graph is a toggle that allows you set the graphs for any years from 2013 to 2018 or over a range of years. You can click on individual states to see more detailed information. The color scale is also shown at the top right of each graph. 


The scroll bars for the next two graphs are on the right side of the graphs. These numbers underestimate the number of people who legally carry a concealed handgun because many Constitutional Carry states allow people to carry without a permit. You can clearly see that for many states that have moved to Constitutional Carry (such as Kansas and New Hampshire) the percent of the population with concealed carry permits fell.


Dates that states enacted Constitutional Carry.
Alaska September 9, 2003
Arizona July 29, 2010
Arkansas October 17, 2018
Idaho July 1, 2016
Kansas July 1, 2015
Kentucky June 26, 2019
Maine October 15, 2015
Mississippi for a gun carried in a purse, handbag, satchel, other similar bag July 1, 2015, expanded to included belt and shoulder holsters and sheaths on April 15, 2016
Missouri January 1, 2017
New Hampshire February 22, 2017
North Dakota August 1, 2017
Oklahoma November 1, 2019
South Dakota July 1, 2019
Vermont As long as it has been a state
West Virginia May 24, 2016
Wyoming July 1, 2011



  1. Den McCarthy

    Since Vermont does not require concealed carry permits, is Vermont’s “RED” status appropriate? Should it reflect a unique status color that doesn’t lump it in visually with serial concealed carry infringing states like NJ (see “Rogers vs. NJ attorney general” case)?

    • johnrlott

      Dear Den:
      Vermont should be in grey simply because they don’t issue any permits in VT. It is the only state that has never had a concealed handgun permitting process, so there are no numbers on the number of permits.

  2. Richard Law

    Vermont is grey on the icons above that I’m looking at, as it doesn’t fit into the classifications used for the other states. I’d also beg to mention that ‘concealed carry’ is usually specific about method that requires a permit. NH in the 1990s only required one to have the permit for carrying concealed and loaded so far more people than the figures suggest might have a gun to hand and that needs thinking of when looking at the influence of carry permits on crime trends. AZ had a ruling – again in the 1990s – that a fanny pack designed to hold a pistol wasn’t concealed carry despite the handgun not being visible. Same variable. In the UK progressive restrictions on gun ownership have been marked by increases in crime as though an inhibition to some types of crime (rural house-breaking in particular) had been removed.

    • Kevin P

      I believe that the charts use “concealed carry” as a descriptor for “carrying a pistol outside the home and automobile, usually concealed”.

      Many states are open carry without a permit, but I have almost never seen anyone openly carry a pistol, with the exception of Arizona, where it is usually socially acceptable.

      • johnrlott

        Thanks, Kevin. You are right only extremely rarely do people openly carry. Thanks.

        • Stephen M

          Dr. Lott, It is not extremely unusual to see a person open carrying in Ky. It may not be common, especially in the larger metropolitan areas. In the more rural communities, you may see it on a daily basis even in stores and restaurants, but not in large numbers. I understand that an unlicensed activity produces very little data and only anecdotal information so not of much interest to you.

