With Canada government considering a ban on handguns, the Toronto Police Association has spoken out against the ban.
If you want to reduce crime, the police argue that spending the money on traditional police services would be more effective than spending in on banning guns.
The murder problem in Toronto is a drug gang problem. If people think that they are going to be able to stop criminals from getting illegal drugs any more easily than they have been able to stop the criminals from getting illegal drugs, they will be in for a surprise.
Even the Liberal government’s own report appears to show little support for the handgun ban.
“The document clearly doesn’t state what the government will do on this issue,” said Blake Brown, author of Arming and Disarming: A History of Gun Control in Canada and history professor at St. Mary’s University. “But there are hints of what it will not do. The executive summary really indicates there is not strong support for a ban.” . . .
“Even the Liberal government’s own report appears to show little support for the handgun ban.” They couldn’t care less about how much support there is foe a handgun ban. Their goal is to have an unarmed populace they can control at will.
Gee, it ‘almost’ sounds like they have realized that criminals don’t obey laws!
First time i’ve Seen in a govt document that states , taking away guns from law abiding citizens have little to do with preventing criminal gang violence. Blair reports makes it very clear that banning handguns will do little to fight criminals use of handguns.