Letter from 23 state Attorneys General cite three studies to show right-to-carry laws reduce crime, all written by CPRC researchers

Dec 7, 2017 | Featured

The letter from 23 state Attorneys General to the Senate and House leadership in support of the Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017 (S. 446) and the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017 (H.R. 38) cited three studies to show that concealed-carry handguns reduced violent crime. Two were by CPRC president Dr. John Lott and one was by CPRC Research Director Dr. John Whitley.  The AGs discussed our work as follows:







On The Larry Elder Show: Discussing Migrant Crime

On The Larry Elder Show: Discussing Migrant Crime

Dr. John Lott appeared on The Larry Elder Show to discuss the price of migrant crime. See also Dr. Lott's two pieces at The Daily Signal ("Crime Rate for Illegal Aliens Vastly Understated, Data Shows") and ("New Data on Migrant Crime Rates Raises Eyebrows, Alarms")....