Talk on Bloomberg and background checks on private transfers

Aug 31, 2017 | Featured

Dr. John Lott gave a talk on the Crime Prevention Research Center’s new research on Bloomberg’s push for background checks on the private transfer of guns. If you can’t make out the slides in this talk, they are from Lott’s book “The War on Guns” and can be seen there.

(Sunday, August 27th, 2017 at the Carry Guard Expo in Milwaukee, Wisconsin)




  1. Talk on Bloomberg and background checks on private transfers | Gunpon - […] push for background checks on the private transfer of guns.  A video of the talk is available here.  If…


Rasmussen Reports: 68% Back Proof of Citizenship for Voting, 73% Say It is Important to Prevent Illegal Immigrants from Voting, and 63% are Even Willing to Shutdown the Government to Get a Proof of Citizenship Law Passed.

Rasmussen Reports: 68% Back Proof of Citizenship for Voting, 73% Say It is Important to Prevent Illegal Immigrants from Voting, and 63% are Even Willing to Shutdown the Government to Get a Proof of Citizenship Law Passed.

A new Rasmussen Reports survey in September shows overwhelming support for requiring proof of citizenship to register to vote in national elections. Indeed, only liberals oppose proof of citizenship. Even Democrats as a whole support it by a clear 56%-to-33%....