CPRC on the John Cardillo Show to discuss “The War on Guns”

Aug 9, 2016 | Featured

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Dr. John Lott talked to John Cardillo about his new book, The War on Guns. (Tuesday, August 9, 2016 8:05 to 8:25 AM)

Cardillo discussed how his brother knows someone who financed Katie Couric’s recent movie, “Under the Gun.”  This individual apparently said that Couric’s movie did include some of the almost 4 hours of interviews that I did with Couric, but that when Bloomberg was shown the movie he apparently demanded that my quotes be removed (see 11:25 into the audio below).


1 Comment

  1. Daniel F Benitez

    Hello Mr. Cardillo:

    I am a new listener to your Radio Show.
    I am retired U. S. Intelligence and retired Law Enforcement.
    I am interested in meeting and sharing with you some of my experiences which may be of interest to your topic development process.
    My telephone number is 786-735-0188; email is [email protected].
    Thanks, Daniel


  1. Michael Bloomberg Demanded John Lott Interview Cut from Couric Gun Control Film - […] During his own live interview with Lott earlier this month, Cardillo said: […]
  2. Bloomberg Ordered Katie Couric to Cut Out Pro-Gun Researcher from Gun Doc - GunsAmerica Digest - […] back to Lott, his claim of the Bloomberg-ordered censorship was initially mentioned by radio host John Cardillo, whose brother…
  3. Couric’s Under the Gun Movie, Under Fire More Deceptive Edits - […] out after Michael Bloomberg allegedly insisted on its removal. According to a recent interview with John Cardillo, “They were…
  4. Couric’s Under the Gun, Under Fire Again | New York City Guns - […] after Michael Bloomberg allegedly insisted on its removal. According to a recent interview with John Cardillo, “They were going to…

