Another stunning review of “The War on Guns”: “a truly remarkable book which should be on everyone’s must read list”

Aug 15, 2016 | Featured


Jazz Shaw has this review of Dr. John Lott’s new book here:

I’ve just finished reading one of the best books on gun control to come out in some time and wanted to share some of the experience with you. The timely and superbly written tome by John R. Lott Jr. is titled, “The War on Guns: Arming Yourself Against Gun Control Lies.”

You may remember John Lott from our previous coverage here of both gun control and crime in the United States. Some of his previous work included an analysis of the different ways that economists and criminologists view gun ownership, which he revisits in this book. Long before that, John had done some groundbreaking research on crime statistics in America, much of which I drew on when I compiled, The truth about gun deaths: Numbers and actual solutions.

This is a truly remarkable book which should be on everyone’s must read list. In his usual fashion, John goes past the usual talking points which infest cable television debates and takes on some of the most sacred cows of the gun control lobby, tossing their filleted remains straight onto the grill. . . .

There’s plenty more and much of it will be eye opening even to avid consumers of Second Amendment news. There are tools aplenty in here for those fighting the good fight on gun rights heading into this election, so if you don’t have a copy of The War On Guns yet, you’ll be doing yourself a favor if you order one today. I seriously can’t recommend this book strongly enough.



