Amanda Collins Johnson, a fellow with the CPRC, survived a violent rape in a gun-free zone. While she had regularly carried a concealed handgun, she was denied the ability to defend herself because the University of Nevada did not allow permitted concealed weapon...
The War on Guns translated into Portuguese
Copies of Dr. John Lott's book that have been translated into Portuguese.
Huge sale on the Kindle version of The War on Guns, just 99 cents
This sale will only last a short time! Widely praised book by academics and others! You can buy it for 99 cents right now by clicking here. "The Second Amendment has no better defender than John Lott. What makes him so invaluable is his ability to go beyond...
Unbelievably low price for Kindle version of “The War on Guns”! Just $1.99!
At least of the time being, Amazon is pricing the Kindle version of " The War on Guns" at just $1.99! The link is available here. I don't know how long they will have this sale. The audio version of the book has also been temporarily reduced in price. The...
Five copies of More Guns, Less Crime Audio Book to be Randomly Given Away
To celebrate the release of the audio version of More Guns, Less Crime (University of Chicago Press, 3rd edition, 2010), five copies of the audio book are being given away. 5 winners will be selected at random by Goodreads. Click here to enter.
FINALLY! An audio edition of More Guns, Less Crime
Over the years, an audio version of "More Guns, Less Crime" has been requested many, many times. Well, finally an audio version has been released (cheapest version at Barnes & Noble and it is also available at Amazon). However, I must say that I am very...
The War on Guns Gets Another Positive Review
Dr. Lott's book "The War on Guns" was reviewed in February 2017 issue of The American Rifleman.
Review of “The War on Guns” at Breitbart: “The War on Guns will educate you and will then become a reference resource you will turn to again and again”
AWR Hawkins has a review of The War on Guns at Breitbart. If you have ever thought it would be helpful to have a reference book you could flip through to quickly read up on the actual facts surrounding things like background checks, mass public shootings, stand your...
Review of “The War on Guns” at Legal Insurrection: “masterfully researched book on guns, public policy & propaganda”
Andrew Branca has a review of Dr. Lott's new book at Legal Insurrection. The entire review is worth reading. Here are a few select paragraphs from it. For those of us in the gun rights and concealed carry community (and old enough to have been around) the 1990s was...
Another strong review of “The War on Guns” in the American Rifleman, calls book “a heroic effort”
This review of "The War on Guns" appeared in the December issue of The American Rifleman. While attacks on the Second Amendment are all-too common in today’s politically charged climate, advocates fighting for our right to self-defense and the right to bear arms now... has a review of “The War on Guns”
Eve Flanigan has a review of "The War on Guns" at (other reviews are available here): Dr. John Lott, Jr. of Crime Prevention Research Institute recently released a new book that’s touted to be the definitive guide to countering all the current arguments for...
CPRC mentioned on CSPAN: Mark Levin’s Book Recommendations
This appeared on C-SPAN on November 11, 2016, at 4:47 PM.