New Gallup Poll: By almost 2-to-1 Americans think arming more people with concealed carry guns will help prevent terrorism

Jun 19, 2016 | Featured

Good news on Concealed Carry Poll

Good news broken down by Party

The rest of the Gallup Poll results are available here.  There are other poll numbers there that show support for other gun control laws.  Links are here regarding the questions on an assault weapon ban and the No-fly list.




  1. R. Morris Davis

    It amazes me that each time we learn about a positive gun law, like Concealed Firearms in Florida some years back, that the left starts screaming that our streets will more unsafe and like the “Wild Wild West”. Actual results; A decrease in crime. I also have a terrible example of naivety on the part of a parent who refused to let her child know anything about guns. About a year later the child came upon a handgun in a neighbor’s house and while examining it shot himself in the hear. *I would be glad to furnish first person information when you wish..

  2. BillR

    (x) Concealed carrier
    ( ) Potential victim

    Please check one.
    (Don’t tell participants that this is actually an intelligence test.)

  3. Landru

    “It amazes me that each time we learn about a positive gun law, like Concealed Firearms in Florida some years back…”

    Worth noting that in FL, a CCP-holder cannot go into an establishment that sells booze with the pistol. In Virginia, on the other hand, a CCP-holder can go into one with their pistol (concealed, obviously), but they can’t drink any alcoholic beverages while carrying inside the place.

    Of course, in the minds of the typical ‘progressive’, if a manager or similar were carrying concealed in a bar, they would open fire at any and every drunk and unruly patron who bothered them. Never mind that no example of such a thing has occurred, it’s just an article of faith with them that anyone with a CCP will just start shooting at anyone who bothers them at the drop of a hat.

  4. Eddie Cutler

    I do not mean any offense but your poll might be more accurate if you asked 1 question at a time instead of 3. As an example on question 1 you should ask. “Change state gun laws to allow more people to carry concealed.” than ask about background checks. than ask about training. You would probably get a better metric that way.
    Ed Cutler

  5. Jack Noel

    In 2002, Michigan Republicans passed a Shall Issue Concealed Carry law. Since then, concealed carry licensing has climbed from under 50,000 (State pop. 9 million) to 556,000. an 1100% increase. Crime: violent crimes down, crime among licensees (tracked by Mich. State Police) one third that of the general population. The EXACT OPPOSITE of Democrat-predicted “wild west blood bath.”

  6. ed warwick

    I as a second amendment supporter would like to propose a NEW ANTI-GUN law. It goes like this
    “Pass a law prohibiting tax payer funded armed guards for all politions”

    Don`t be a hipocrit you liberal bastards, pass this one.


  1. Weekly Gun News – Edition 41 | Shall Not Be Questioned - […] Gallup Poll: 2:1 Americans think arming more people with concealed carry guns will help prevent terrorism. […]



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