Victim in UC Merced Mass Stabbing now supports Concealed Carry

Nov 5, 2015 | Featured

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From (November 5, 2015):

Byron Price, the construction worker who intervened to save a student under attack at University of California Merced on November 4, says he now views concealed carry “differently” and wants to get a permit to carry a gun.

Breitbart News previously reported that Merced Couty Sheriff Vern Warnke identified Wednesday’s mass stabber as 18-year-old Faisal Mohammad, a freshman from Santa Clara. Warnke also said that if hadn’t been for Bryon Price’s intervention, Mohammad’s first stabbing victim might have been killed.

A picture of Byron Price is shown below.

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UPDATE: The stabbing was apparently terrorist related: “Campus stabber’s manifesto included ‘praise for Allah,’ plan for beheading



