CRPC on the front page of the El Paso Times

Sep 20, 2015 | Featured

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The piece on the front page of the El Paso Times discusses John Lott’s talk in El Paso this coming Saturday morning.

. . . Lott, an author, professor, commentator and Fox News columnist, is founder of the Crime Prevention Research Center, an organization that focuses on conducting research between laws regulating gun ownership, crime and public safety. According to its website, the organization looks to remain neutral and does not accept donations from organizations such as the National Rifle Association or any other organizations involved in the gun control debate on either side of the issue.

“I don’t talk about 2nd Amendment Rights or other types of related points,” said Lott, author of “More Guns, Less Crime,” “The Bias Against Guns,” and “Freedomnomics.”

“To me, the bottom line is whether or not gun ownership makes people safer or not,” he said.

Lott will the keynote speaker during a continental breakfast at 9 a.m. Saturday . . .

For Lott, the benefits of the 2nd Amendments outweigh the concerns voiced by some who want to regulate the use of guns.

Citing recent mass public shootings such as the church shooting in Charleston, S.C., and the movie theater shooting in Aurora, Colo., Lott argues that gun control oversight such as gun-free zone do not deter crime, but at times, encourage it.

“There are a number of places where people have not been able to take their guns,” Lott said. “What actually ends up happening is, these places serve as kind of a magnet for criminal to go an attack these places.

In the case of James Holmes, the shooter who killed 12 people in Aurora, his notebook showed that he thought about attacking an airport but changed his mind when he realized there was too much security.Lott explored his point in a Fox News opinion article published in 2012.

“I think the only thing to do there is to make it possible so people can defend themselves. Whether it be attacks on military bases or whether it be attacks on schools, churches or other places, time after time after time, these killers consciously and explicitly attack places where they know people can’t defend themselves.”

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On The Atlas Society Asks: Discussing Gun Control Myths

On The Atlas Society Asks: Discussing Gun Control Myths Dr. John Lott talked to Jennifer Grossman on The Atlas Society Asks about his book “Gun Control Myths: How politicians, the media, and botched “studies” have twisted the facts on gun control.“...