CPRC in the Memphis Commercial Appeal: Americans are learning that more guns mean less crime

Sep 7, 2015 | Featured

The Commercial Appeal Memphis


John Lott’s op-ed in the Memphis Commercial Appeal starts this way:

Americans are increasingly convinced that owning a gun makes them safer.

A new Rasmussen poll found that an overwhelming majority of Americans (68 percent) “feel safer in a neighborhood where guns are allowed.” And a series of polls by Gallup, the Pew Research Center, and ABC News and the Washington Post show similar results.

But it isn’t just what people say. They are clearly putting more stock in self-defense. Since 2007, the number of concealed-handgun permits has soared, from 4.6 million to 12.8 million. A new study by the Crime Prevention Research Center finds that a record 1.7 million permits have been issued in just the past year, a 15.4 percent increase.

Nationwide, 5.2 percent of adults have a permit.

But in five states, more than 10 percent of adults now have concealed-carry permits. In some counties around the United States, more than 1 in 5 adults are licensed to carry. In much of the country, someone among theatergoers or restaurant customers is likely to be legally carrying a permitted concealed handgun.

But even these numbers don’t do full justice to the change that has taken place. . . . .

The rest of the piece is available here.

Even though our piece came out early Sunday morning, it was still the most read piece in the entire newspaper on Monday afternoon.

The Commercial Appeal Memphis Ranking of articles




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  5. Momentum Towards Rationality at the National Gun Violence Prevention Coalition Meeting | News Agency - […] the stupid idea that more guns will protect us from violence and crime. That crap used to be promoted…
  6. Momentum Towards Rationality at the National Gun Violence Prevention Coalition Meeting | KJOZ RADIO 880 AM - […] the stupid idea that more guns will protect us from violence and crime. That crap used to be promoted…


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