New Report from Crime Prevention Research Center shows 11.1 million Americans Hold Concealed Carry Permits

Jul 9, 2014 | Featured

UPDATE: Newest numbers 14.5 million permit holders in 2016.  The report below is for 2014.  The later reports for 2015 and 2016 can be seen here.

ORIGINAL POST: Concealed-Carry-Permit-Holders-Across-the-United-StatesThe Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) today released a report, Concealed Carry Permit Holders Across the United States, revealing that 11.1 million Americans hold concealed carry permits up from an estimated 4.6 million in 2007 [scroll down to see some updated numbers showing closer to 12 million permit holders].

The last comprehensive report on the number of concealed carry permit holders was completed three years ago by the U.S. Government Accountability Office and showed that 8 million Americans held a concealed carry permit. These numbers show that the number of permits is not only increasing, but they are growing at faster and faster rates.

The report also notes:

  • Three states (South Dakota, Indiana, and Alabama) now have over 10 percent of their adult populations with permits, and 10 states have at least 8 percent of their adult populations with permits.
  • The number of concealed carry permit holders is likely much higher than 11.1 million.  This is true for three reasons: 1) in six states it isn’t necessary to get a permit to carry a concealed handgun, 2) data is not available for all states, and 3) the data for some of the states are two to three years old and thus don’t include the large recent increases in the number of permits.
  • Between 2007 and the preliminary estimates for 2013, murder rates have fallen from 5.6 to 4.4 per 100,000 – a 22 percent drop in the murder rate at the same time that the percentage of the adult population with permits soared by 130 percent. Overall violent crime also fell by 22 percent over that period of time.
News coverage of report.
Charleston Gazette (West Virginia): “Concealed gun permits way up in W.Va. over five years
Herald-Dispatch (Huntington, West Virginia): “Concealed weapons permits quadruple
Logan Banner (Logan, West Virginia): “Concealed weapons permits quadrupled in West Virginia
Coal Valley News (Madison, West Virginia): “Concealed weapons permits quadrupled in West Virginia
Bluefield Daily Telegraph (Bluefield, West Virginia): “Number of concealed carry permits shoots up in W.Va.
Journal-News (Martinsburg, West Virginia): “Permits quadruple: Concealed weapons licenses up throughout state
Idaho Mountain Express (Sun Valley, Ketchum, Hailey, Bellevue and Carey, Idaho): “The slippery slope of government overreach leads directly to the states
 WCNC NBC TV in Charlotte, North Carolina: “Concealed carry permits soar amid political, safety fears


Some updated numbers (number used in the July report and the updated numbers):


Alabama 379,917, Mid-2014 470,005
Arizona 222,191, March 1, 2015 230,582, June 14, 2015 238,207
California 35,000, now about 50,000
Colorado 153,044, December 31, 2014 165,528
Connecticut 203,989, March 1, 2015 over 230,000
Delaware 5,000, March 3, 2015 11,718 (Delaware Criminal Justice Information System)
Florida 1,278,246, November 2014 1,346,629, May 31, 2015 1,404,207
Georgia 600,000, December 31, 2014 750,000 (
Illinois 33,631 end of 2014 over 90,000, at the end of March 2015 it was 103,000
Indiana 537,964 (12/13), December 31, 2014 585,438, March 31, 2015 586,451
Iowa 201,901, December, 2014 220,000
Kansas 75,099, March 2015 about 90,000
Kentucky 203,266, December 31, 2013 254,017
Michigan 430,095, December 1, 2014 577,294, June 1, 2015 606,581
Minnesota 163,758,  December 31, 2014 184,895, March 31, 2015 189,131, April 30, 2015 194,905
Nevada 80,892, February 20, 2015 90,228
New Mexico 37,579, December 31, 2014 40.794 (male 29,992, female 10,802)
North Dakota 30,997, December 31, 2013 40,888
Ohio 391816, December 31, 2014 428,894 (obtained by summing the number of issued and renewed permits over last 5 years)
Pennsylvania 872,277, April 15th, 2015 1,064,360
South Carolina 229,456, February 10, 2015 253,339
Tennessee 468,079, November 10, 2014 482,073, February 10, 2015 488,911, June 10, 2015 504,384
Texas  708,048, December 31, 2014 825,957, as of April 2015 841,500
Virginia 363,274, March 16, 2015 387,054, 13,442 nonresident permits (obtained from Corinne Geller, Public Relations Director, Va State Police)
Utah 550,663, December 31, 2014 590,118, March 31, 2015 603,144, residential 202,637
Washington State, 456,270, February 28, 2014 482,852 – Washington Department of Licensing, 360.902.3600
West Virginia 92,000,  December 2013, 126,514
Other older information on permits available here.




  1. New Report Shows 11.1 million Americans Hold Concealed Carry Permits - [...] Philadelphia, PA --( The Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC), a research and education organization dedicated to conducting academic quality…
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  3. New Report from CPRC shows 11.1 million Americans Hold Concealed Carry Permits - [...] GA_googleFillSlot("glockforum-300p"); The last comprehensive report on the number of concealed carry permit holders was completed three years ago by…
  4. CPRC/John Lott publishes new "concealed Carry Permit Holders Across the USA" - [...] is one of 3 states with over 10% of the population having "permits". CPRC Link New Report from Crime…
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  7. Study: Murder, Violent Crime Fall as Concealed Carry Rises 130 Percent | - [...] According to the CPRC, concealed carry permit holders in the U.S. rose from 4.6 million in 2007 to 11.1…
  8. REPORT: MURDER AND VIOLENT CRIME FALLS AS CONCEALED CARRY RISES 130%! | - [...] The Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) has released a study that shows while concealed carry permits rose 130% since…
  9. Study: Murder, Violent Crime Fall as Concealed Carry Rises 130 Percent | Hihid News - [...] According to the CPRC, concealed carry permit holders in the U.S. rose from 4.6 million in 2007 to 11.1…
  10. This Week in Guns 076 - Army's new gun & Next Gen Training - [...] 11.1 million Americans hold concealed carry permits up from an estimated 4.6 million in 2007/ [...]
  11. conceal carry — GraniteGrok - [...] CPRC via Big [...]
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  21. More concealed handgun permit data | the healty - […] a reply Following the CPRC study showing that there were about 11.1 million concealed handgun permits by the beginning…
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  24. CPRC Study Shows Concealed Carry Up 130%, Murder Rate Down 22% - […] Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) has released a new report which shows that 11.1 million Americans have concealed carry…
  25. 11.1 MILLION AMERICANS HOLD CONCEALED CARRY PERMITS - Nebraska Firearm Owners Association (NFOA) Political Action Fund - […] Full story CLICK HERE […]
  26. 11.1 MILLION AMERICANS HOLD CONCEALED CARRY PERMITS - Nebraska Firearms Owners Association - […] Full story CLICK HERE […]
  27. 11.1 MILLION AMERICANS HOLD CONCEALED CARRY PERMITS – Protect Victims NOW! - […] Full story CLICK HERE […]



On The Larry Elder Show: Discussing Migrant Crime

On The Larry Elder Show: Discussing Migrant Crime

Dr. John Lott appeared on The Larry Elder Show to discuss the price of migrant crime. See also Dr. Lott's two pieces at The Daily Signal ("Crime Rate for Illegal Aliens Vastly Understated, Data Shows") and ("New Data on Migrant Crime Rates Raises Eyebrows, Alarms")....