A writer at the Kansas City Star, David Mastio, received a response from the FBI (we never did). Mastio's bottom line is: "Here’s what I’ve learned in decades of covering Washington: When bad news is false, agency press people go out of their way to make it crystal...
At Real Clear Politics: Buttigieg’s Bold Crime Claim Doesn’t Hold Up
Dr. John Lott has a new op-ed at Real Clear Politics (also at ZeroHedge, July 31, 2024; The Ohio Star, August 1, 2024; Conservative News and Views, July 31, 2024; Captain Frank Sparrow, August 1, 2024 ). . “Crime went down under Biden and crime went up under Trump,”...
Massive errors in FBI’s Active Shooting Reports from 2014-2023 regarding cases where civilians stop attacks: Instead of 4%, the correct number is at least 35%. Excluding gun-free zones, it averaged over 51.5%.
Data: For convenience, the Excel file is available here, as well as a webpage with the list and links to the underlying news stories. We also show cases that the FBI missed of both armed and unarmed civilians stopping active shooting attacks. FBI Active Shooting...
UPDATED: Cases where armed citizens have stopped active shooter incidents
The list of active shooting cases that were averted by people legally carrying guns, and were missed in the FBI Active Shooting reports. The FBI's definition of active shootings is narrow: it involves cases where a gun is fired in public and not part of some other...
At the Washington Times: Liberals’ statistics on falling violent crime rates don’t match reality
Dr. John Lott has a new piece at the Washington Times. . “It’s no accident that violent crime is near a record 50-year low,” President Biden claims. And if you believe recent fact-checkers at places, like Politifact, rate Biden’s statement as “true.” On ABC’s This...
Trans Covenant School Diary Released, FBI Strongly Argued Against Releasing It, Said It Would “Potentially [be] Inflaming the Public.” Why was the FBI Only Against Releasing this One Diary?
Given the lack of media coverage, you could understandably miss it, but “nearly four dozen pages” of the Nashville Covenant School murderer’s diary were just released. The Tennessee Star’s parent company had successfully filed two...
At Townhall: The FBI’s Crime Data Have Real Problems
Dr. John Lott has a new piece up at Townhall that continues our investigation into the problems with the FBI crime data. The news media relies almost exclusively on FBI data to report on changes in crime rates. But there is strong evidence that FBI data...
At the Wall Street Journal: The Media Say Crime Is Going Down. Don’t Believe It: The decline in reported crimes is a function of less reporting, not less crime.
Dr. John Lott has a new op-ed at the Wall Street Journal. . News outlets claim that Americans mistakenly believe violent crime is rising. A Gallup survey last year found that 92% of Republicans and 58% of Democrats thought crime was increasing. A February...
The FBI’s Domestic Terrorism Symbol’s Guide on Militia Violent Extremists includes “2A” and “the right to bear arms.”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cX-NwhyipDE The Biden administration is identifying militia violent extremists by looking for the symbol "2A" or they talk about "the right to bear arms."
Massive errors in FBI’s Active Shooting Reports from 2014-2022 regarding cases where civilians stop attacks: Instead of 4.6%, the correct number is at least 35.7%. In 2022, it is at least 41.3%. Excluding gun-free zones, it averaged over 63.5%.
Data: For convenience, a PDF of the Excel file is also available here and a webpage with the list and links to the underlying news stories. FBI Active Shooting reports are available here (2000-2013), here (2014-2015), here (2016-2017), here (2018), here (2019), here...
At Real Clear Politics: FBI Data on Active Shootings Is Misleading
Dr. John Lott has a new piece at Real Clear Politics about our newest report on errors in the FBI Active Shooting Reports. Also published in The Daily Signal, Zero Hedge, Political Insider, Georgia Star News, Millennial Press, and the Truth About Guns. . Americans are...
Cases where armed citizens have stopped active shooter incidents
The list of active shooting cases that were averted by people legally carrying guns that were missed in the FBI Active Shooting reports. The FBI's definition of active shootings is narrow: it involves cases where a gun is fired in public and not part of some other...