The Arizona Democratic Party started sending out non-transferrable invitations by email on Thursday afternoon. Only those who RSVP’d to the event and bring ID matching the invitation will be allowed in the arena because of security concerns, the email said. . . .
Sky Schaudt and Ben Giles, “Q&AZ: Can I attend the Kamala Harris campaign event in Arizona on Friday?” KJZZ FM 91.5, (Phoenix), August 7, 2024.
If people will false pretend to someone they aren’t to attend Kamala Harris’ rally, why won’t some people lie about who they are to vote? Isn’t Harris worried about discriminating against who is able to attend her rally? In any case, her fear about people not having access to a photocopier seems misplaced given that almost everyone with a cell phone or who knows someone with a cell phone can take a picture of their ID. But of course to go in vote one just shows your ID, just as going to Harris’ rally. No copy of your ID is necessary. The video with Kamala Harris was broadcast on CBS This Morning on July 8, 2021.
Attorney General Merrick Garland appeared alongside Vice President Kamala Harris in Selma, Alabama on Sunday where he pledged to fight voter ID laws and other election integrity measures that he deemed “discriminatory, burdensome, and unnecessary.”
Bradford Betz, “AG Garland pledges to fight voter ID laws, election integrity measures,”, March 2024.