New Rasmussen Survey: Which presidential candidate will make America a safer place to live?

May 23, 2024 | Survey

A new Rasmussen Reports survey of likely U.S. voters (May 15-16 and 19) shows Americans feel that the country is becoming less safe to live by a 50% to 20% margin, and that view is held by virtually all groups except Democrats (35% more safe, 29% less safe), liberals (34% more safe, 21% less safe), and those who strongly support Biden (56% more safe, 6% less safe). But there is a greater divergence in views when people are asked whether Biden or Trump will make America “a safer place to live.” Overall, by a 49% to 40% margin Americans think that Trump will make the country safer, blacks, Democrats, liberals, moderates, those with a graduate school education, government workers, and those who strongly or somewhat approve of Biden disagree. Interestingly, those who went to graduate school are really the only education group who think that Biden will do a better job of Americans safer. Among all income groups only the highest income group, those making over $200,000, were equally divided between Biden and Trump. The results for this last question are shown in the figure above.



