Letter in the WSJ Responding to Lott’s Op-ed in the Newspaper

May 13, 2024 | Media Coverage

Here is the letter that the WSJ published in response to Dr. John Lott’s op-ed.


Our New Shoplifting Policy: Employees are being told not to confront store theft.


I agree with John Lott (“The Media Say Crime Is Going Down. Don’t Believe It,” op-ed, April 25) that crime is up but not reported. After a friend retired after 30 years as a military and federal security officer, he took a part-time job in the liquor department of a large grocery store. He says the store policy is not to confront shoplifters. He explained the lack of punishment after shoplifters are apprehended hasn’t deterred shoplifting. The store therefore concluded that the time invested in detaining offenders until law enforcement showed up was wasted.


I asked him if that meant I could come in, pick up my wine of choice and walk out without paying. “I’d probably say something to you about not paying, but I wouldn’t stop you,” he answered.


Tom Van Hale

Tom Van Hale, “Our New Shoplifting Policy Employees are being told not to confront store theft,” Wall Street Journal, April 30, 2024.



